Ephemeral Tic-Tac-Toe

Max search trials
Max search time


Play Ephemeral Tic-Tac-Toe, where your moves fade away and disappear after four turns, against the computer (inspired by Stefan Matei https://codepen.io/nonsalant/pen/jOjwvMX).

Player one is GREEN and player two is BLUE. By default you are player one and the computer is player two, but that can be swapped when starting a new game.

When you hover over a cell that can be marked it is highlighted in YELLOW. Click on a highlighted cell to make your mark. Try to get three marks in a row, column, or along a diagonal.

After you move, the computer will "think" and then make its move. The computer's move will be highligted with a dashed BLACK outline.

The computer uses JSMCTS, a javascript implementation of Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) that runs in the browser, to select a move. It displays the moves it is evaluating and what percentage of the time those moves lead to a win. The number of trials it runs and the amount of time it has to run them can be controlled.

Repository: https://github.com/grwhitehead/jsmcts

Copyright 2022-2024 Greg Whitehead
MIT License