* Illustration by John Tenniel, from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, of Alice swimming in the pool of tears

Eye Row Bot

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20180816235936000

Because OF COURSE you use eye bolts to build an eye robot! #lastminuteartproject #willifinishintime #themanburnsin16days

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20180819212129000

Did I say eye robot? I meant eye ROW bot!

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20180823013946000

IT LIVES! Just one eye short of an eye row bot

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20180824192044000

Test fitting the eye

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20180828021908000

Presenting “Eye Row Bot” #burningman2018

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20180905185523000

"Sculptures on this year's theme -- I, Robot -- dotted the Playa, a baked-earth expanse that's the center of the event. One was a giant eyeball with two battery-powered oars (eye, row, bot -- ahem)." @mcbridesg https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-09-05/burners-tortured-relationship-with-tech-jlpdatbv