* Illustration by John Tenniel, from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, of Alice swimming in the pool of tears

Frog Clock Battery Hack

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20210110191301000

How tired am I of replacing the AA battery in this wall clock?

Building a circuit to convert an old wall wart into a AA battery replacement tired. ;-)

Hoping to fit the circuit in a 3d printed AA battery shell.

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20210112013231000

Testing the dimensions of my AA battery model... close enough, it fits!

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20210112014150000

Second test, this time with modifications to accept #6 screws for terminals. I need some shorter screws. It also fits!

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20210113044102000

The updated AA battery model, using 5/16" #6 screws for terminals (McMaster-Carr catalog FTW). Also, we have parts!

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20210114033927000

We have power! Next step is to try fitting the circuit into the cavity in the fake battery.

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20210114033933000

Tick Tock

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20210203224302000

Finally got around to getting this circuit off the protoboard and into the fake battery, dead bug style.

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20210203224303000

The clock draws so little power that I had to add a dummy load to make the voltage regulator happy. I also added an output capacitor to help handle the spikes caused by the clock movement.

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20210203224304000

It all fits! I used spade lugs and a cable tie for strain relief.

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20210203224522000

Hanging on the wall in the garage, powered with an old 9v guitar pedal power supply. No more batteries!