* Illustration by John Tenniel, from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, of Alice swimming in the pool of tears


Greg Whitehead @grwster 20210323234630000

"Hello World" brought to you by NIST RS274/NGC (aka gcode), python3, and maybe a little too much free time https://github.com/grwhitehead/rs274ngc-python3

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20210323234630000

Also, this was my first time using @the_antlr_guy's ANTLR parser generator. Pretty slick! https://www.antlr.org

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20210323235323000

My favorite part of this project was realizing that you can abuse @openscad to turn gcode back into a 3d model ;-)

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20210323234630000

"Hello World" brought to you by NIST RS274/NGC (aka gcode), python3, and maybe a little too much free time https://github.com/grwhitehead/rs274ngc-python3