* Illustration by John Tenniel, from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, of Alice swimming in the pool of tears

Egg Nog

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20221222033059000

Tis the season… to make boozy eggy milk drinks. Cheers!

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20221223035137000

The nog experiments continue! Opinions are mixed on mezcal as a base spirit… more for me ;-)

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20221224035058000

Another nog experiment: dark rum and cheap whiskey. More popular than the mezcal, less popular than the traditional brandy

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20221225022206000

Dear reader, we’re getting lazy. Still delicious. Also, finally got some whole nutmeg!

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20221227010448000

Season finale: egg nog cookies with egg nog frosting!

Why have we been drinking this stuff when we could have been making cookies all along? ;-)