* Illustration by John Tenniel, from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, of Alice swimming in the pool of tears

Parallel Simulations

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20230206155042000

TFW you realize that big computation you've been struggling to run on your laptop is completely parallelizable and it only costs 2.25 cents per CPU hour to offload it into "the cloud"

Running 16 CPUs somewhere in a server farm full throttle for 12 hours: $4.32. Not incapacitating my laptop for 192 hours: priceless

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20230206172620000

"Your server, compute, has exceeded the notification threshold for CPU Usage by averaging 1521.0% for the last 2 hours."

"This is not meant as a warning or a representation that you are misusing your resources."

Hah, thanks for the alert, CPU usage should be closer to 1600% ;-)

Greg Whitehead @grwster 20230227023254000